Book # 1: 1984 By George Orwell - Do we live in an Orwellian Society?

First Edition Cover - image source This book resonated a lot with me. If you follow my blog or my twitter timeline you will see one theme that I am very passionate about - privacy and how the surveillance state is trying to eradicate it. I became very passionate about this topic when I read about Snowden's revelations. Reading about the NSA's surveillance program and their seeming disregard of individual privacy was shocking to me. It made me want to know more about how our data is being collected and how it is being exposed to surveillance. Reading George Orwell's 1984 felt like it was a critique of our current state. There were three themes in the story that really struck me the most and I will go through each one of them in this post. The mere threat of constant surveillance is enough to kill dissent. In the book the Party had installed countless Telescreens and listening devices as part of its surveillance infrastructure. The Thought Police could...