News feed is Facebook's key battleground.
Panic Alert
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Newsfeed is just a random message board |
Attention everyone! Facebook is about to implement another major change- they plan to revamp News Feed! Judging from peoples reaction when News feed was implemented, world-wide chaos is almost certain. The world of social media will once again be shaken and people's status updates will once again be filled with stuff like: "FU Facebook! You screwed me over again", "Facebook please leave my news feed alone", "That's it! I am leaving Facebook ". My news feed will be flooded with these comments and there is nothing I can do about it but suffer the deluge of negativity. But I am hoping that one of the things Facebook changes with News Feed this Thursday is my ability to filter these types of comments out.
Like many of the people I know on Facebook I was not happy when "News Feed" was implemented. It was not that I hated the idea of news feed but it was more of a design issue. I use twitter also and I understood where Facebook was trying to go with news feed, but it just did not work. Instead of being a way to easily access and read through my friends updates, it functioned more like a random feed of random things I do not even care about. Instead of it being a way for me to easily stay up to date with what my friends were doing in their lives, it ended up confusing me with updates that I could not organize. News feed was just there- right in the middle of my screen- and I did not know what to do with it.
This was my biggest beef with news feed- my inability to control it, organize it, and make sense of it. This is what I am hoping Facebook changes this Thursday. Let me give you an idea of how I think News Feed should work.
Dashboard with Tabs for Organizing feeds my way
If you ever used Tweetdeck or Hootsuite or any other Socialmedia management app, you will know what I am talking about. News feed should allow me to organize my feeds into things I consider relevant (ie. Status Updates from a select List of Friends, My Friends Photo uploads/tags, My Friends Check-ins, Music my friends are listening to, etc) into Tabs. Having this functionality will allow me to better make sense of my Facebook feeds and will make me spend more time inside Facebook too. This option will be great for facilitating Social Discovery from inside Facebook.
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Hootsuite dashboard allows me to manage my twitter feed. I should be able to manage my Newsfeed in a similar way |
Throughout the last couple of years, a lot of things Facebook offers has been eaten up by start-ups that focus on one specific social-interaction (ie. Photo sharing- Instagram, Status Updates- Twitter, Location sharing- Foursquare). These services have made a killing by focusing on key social interactions that people need- everyone wants to share pictures of their cats and everyone wants to tell everyone they ate at a fancy restaurant. That is the key to those start-ups success and that is the business that Facebook needs to win-back with a more meaningful News Feed.
Allowing users to Customize their News Feed into tabs will reduce the need for users to actually use other social networking services that focus on one thing only. Say I have News Feed Tabs for Photo Updates, Check-ins, and Music. Having access to these types of Social feeds within Facebook itself will reduce my chance of needing to use services like Instagram or Foursquare. This essentially turns Facebook into my main and only Social Networking Hub.
Content Discovery from News Feed
With over 1 Billion users, Facebook has grown into a major part in many people's lives. Even with a dysfunctional News Feed today, people are still finding interesting things in Facebook and are still interacting heavily through it. People are also sharing a lot of things in Facebook these days due to a lot of mobile apps and services integrating Facebook share options within their service. With more and more content being shared on Facebook each day, I believe Facebook is sitting on a treasure chest of content waiting to be discovered and as a user I want to access that.
We also saw recently that Facebook has started to index all content shared and stored in its server to facilitate its Graph Search service. With this indexing, the other thing I want my News Feed to do is allow me to discover meaningful content. It should allow me to have a feed of content my friends are liking or sharing on Facebook (ie. News Articles, Books, Music, etc).This functionality will allow me to easily access content me and my friends like and will greatly improve my experience within the app. I want Facebook to start feeling like a tool to help me deepen my understanding of my social network by easily discovering things we share in common. I hate the way Facebook now a days feels like a complaint board where people just post random stuff without any meaningful content. The fact that Facebook has started to index all its data means this should be possible. I am very hopeful that this will be one of the things the company changes and I am confident it will as this fits perfectly with its Graph Search roll out.
For now I will keep my fingers crossed and my hopes high, but I am not holding my breath for it. Tomorrow we will see exactly what the company has planned for its very dysfunctional news-feed.
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